2021 - 2022
Customer: Leading company for trading and manufacturing of tools, facilities and protective gear
Further development of existing data hub services and connection of additional data sources for central provision of company data

In the already existing platform for providing customer data from the central SAP system, further data sources have to be integrated for a complete view of all customer data required by consuming systems in the connected system landscape. For this purpose, existing legacy systems will be replaced and migrated to the central platform, and new systems based on Dynamics CRM will be connected. The Dynamics CRM data sources are connected via Azure Service Bus integration.

An additional platform for the provision of product data from the central Informatica PIM system will be set up. The integration is made by connecting to the Elasticsearch-based audit trail of the Informatica PIM System and using the public REST API of the Informatica PIM System.

Both platforms are built upon a microservice architecture and are being published each by an additional gateway service. All endpoints within the gateway services are built as GraphQL endpoints. Each backend microservice is integrated into the gateway service via GraphQL federation. Additionally, for each platform a minimal web frontend is provided for the documentation of the available endpoints as well as several minor tools (customer browser, product browser, admin dashboard, …).

All microservices including the gateway services are extensively covered by unit tests and integration tests with snapshot functionality. The web frontends are covered by frontend tests (TestCafe).

Each frontend and microservice is built and deployed within the Azure DevOps Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment pipeline as a docker image stored in the Azure Container Registry and published to a managed Kubernetes Cluster in Azure.